Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Important Stuff

I was starting to feel pressure because I haven’t written in the blog for a week. I know all my adoring fans are anxiously awaiting my next entry (all 3 of you – your support is tremendously appreciated!). And so much has happened this week. Each experience would have made a great entry. But the truth is, there wasn’t time to both experience the relationships and events of this week and write about them. So, hopefully, I chose the important stuff. See what you think…
Last Saturday we spent the day as a family playing games until James had to go to school to work on the show. That evening Josh, John and I just hung out – no agenda, no events.
Sunday we launched the Global Gift Fair at Gateway. An event that supports crafts people in under-resourced countries as well as our partners in the Dominican Republic and Zambia while also sharing information with Gatewayers about needs around the globe and giving them an opportunity to purchase gifts or make donations that benefit these under-resourced areas. I helped Anne set up and oversee the event, shared information with a lot of folks, and got to see many happy faces as people found “just the right gift” for someone they loved. Then I got to go home and watch the Steelers kick the Patriots’ butt!
On Monday I was blessed to see a friend who I have not seen in a year. Her life is a testament to the power of prayer and her faith in God as our loving Father. She is battling several serious illnesses, not the least of which is leukemia. Her story of how God has saved her life time and time again and how even when she wants to give up she knows that if she is still here He must have a purpose for her was humbling and inspiring! Would I have that much faith and courage if I faced what she is facing? We prayed together and ate together and exchanged gifts. It was such a lovely time.
Tuesday I learned a lot about leadership and team work as I sat with the directional team at Gateway in our morning meeting. In staff meeting I was convicted (as I would be many times last week), that I was not spending enough time in prayer, alone and with others. I also shared the challenges I’ve been facing with fibromyalgia with the staff. The support that was shown to me by many was really encouraging. I absolutely love the people I work with!
Wednesday started really early for me – 5:45 am! Some of you are laughing at the thought that I’d actually even get up that early. But it was sooo worth it. I had the privilege of taking Miriam and her mom, Jamilah, to her middle school for breakfast where we celebrated outstanding students, including Miriam, who were being nominated that morning. I met Miriam’s teacher, Kathleen, who had nominated her for the award, which recognizes not just academic success but focuses on exemplary citizenship. Kathleen has Miriam for ESL class 3 hours each day. She bragged on Miriam, who in returned blushed but also beamed. Afterwards, Jamilah and I found our way to Abdallah’s school (he’s the boy I talked about in my last entry) to drop him off because he’d missed his bus. It was sooo wonderful that when we turned the corner and Abdallah saw his school, he started excitedly repeating “my school, my school”. The fuss over not wanted to go to school that morning immediately forgotten as he led us through the halls to his classroom.
Thursday is my official favorite day of the week! Yes, driving class! I have to admit, I was tired by Thursday night as it is the last day of my work week. But I knew I would not regret getting out to driving class. So, I coaxed myself out the door, drove to class and felt immediately alive as I walked through the door and saw Gabrielle – the dad of the Burundian family Gateway helped to resettle last year. There he stood in his cowboy hat (see photo)! He is such a clown – I just love it. I got to be his tutor and it was a blast. What was really amazing to me though was getting to talk to him. When the team and I met him and his family at the airport last September, we could only communicate with smiles and through an interpreter. For the first time on Thursday, I was having conversations with Gabrielle (his English is really coming along) and I seriously kept tearing up. It is soooo amazing to me how God uses us to truly impact the lives of others. Gabrielle and his family are in the US after nearly 30 years in refugee camps because of the commitment, generosity and love of many Gatewayers. To see Gabrielle beginning to learn the skills he needs to “succeed” in the US and know that he and his family will therefore be ok, was such a blessing! To hear him say as he has from day one: “no English, no life” and see that he is committing himself to that belief was really amazing. He works many, many hours of hard labor each week and still comes out to class 4 nights a week. No English, no new job, no life is what he now says. And he is committed to doing what it takes to make sure he and his family make it!
Friday Josh, John, Bill, MaryKay and I all went to see James in his play, JB. Since starting at MacCallum last year, James has been behind the scenes as he is a technical theater major. But last night he had two roles in the play. The main role was quite interesting… a fire and brimstone pastor in the WWII era. And he played it fabulously! He does not get home from rehearsal until 10pm most nights and still has to do homework. On weekends, most of his afternoon and evening is also at the theater, yet he has never given me a hard time about doing his chores. I am so impressed with him and his commitment to doing what it takes to achieve his goals as well.
Seems that a theme is emerging here, doesn’t it?
So I guess it is only fair that I close with mention of Josh. Today, I had the pleasure of helping him with his science report. He was so humble as I made suggestions and he taught me a lot as he shared the report with me. He spent several hours finishing his research today (after several weeks of research and conducting an experiment). I spent maybe 2 hours helping him type it up. Without solicitation he thanked me for helping him in such a genuine way it brought tears to my eyes. His heart is so special and I love getting to spend time with him and witness that.
Not a bad week, huh? I feel like I got this one right… spent time on relationships and was able to learn from so many people. A week like this gives me such encouragement about myself, others and the world. I pray that your week will be equally blessed!

1 comment:

To him said...

wow, you had a big week sister! I wanted to say that I am praying God will lift the aches and pains you had last week. That's one thing that I forgot to pray for when we were together! Thanks for taking the time to update. I know it can be hard to find the time. I pray you have an equally blessed week this week.