Friday, November 14, 2008

It's All Him!

7 years ago I arrived at Gateway Church. I came with several friends and we'd been "church hopping" -- checking out some area churches to see where we might "fit". At the end of that service that day, I turned to them and said, "I don't know where you'll be next Sunday, but I'll be here." Now that may sound harsh, but I think it truly defines what my life has been since that day. God grabbed my heart and He became my first priority. It wasn't Gateway that I was committing to that day, it was God. For a time He showed up as my relationship with Gateway, but before long, the relationship that was developing was directly between He and I. He definitely used Gateway as a part of that. I have been blessed with learning so much there -- from the Sunday morning talks to classes -- I have definitely learned. And I have been amazingly blessed with some of the most profound friendships of my life. To get to know people on a spiritual level takes friendship deeper than you can even imagine. Oh yeah, and let's not forget that I met my husband and step sons at Gateway! Talk about a life-changing day!!!
But truly, the day I said, "I don't know where you'll be next Sunday, but I'll be here" was course correcting day. "Here" in that statement is not a physical place, although I did think at the time it was. But what I was experiencing that morning was a sense of home I'd never experienced before. It was a sense of fitting; of belonging. And it truly wasn't about the albeit amazingly inviting atmosphere of Gateway. It was about entering into the embrace of God. And since that day "here" is the only place I want to be.
Being here has meant being guided by a loving, all-knowing Father who truly has my best in mind. It has meant learning how to let go of a lot of my "stuff" -- both literally and figuratively -- so I could actually become more of me. It has meant allowing God to heal my brokenness and allowing God to use my brokenness to heal others.
Sometimes people give me credit for the accomplishment of these last 7 years. There have been so many... a wonderful marriage, learning how to be a stepmom, phasing out of my marketing world into ministry, going on the mission field, leading others in missions, mending some family relationships that are so precious to me, becoming more of who I truly am. But the honest to God truth is that it hasn't been me. It's all Him! I could not have done any of this... and I likely wouldn't have even recognized the possibility of any of it. All I did was commit to be here with Him. He's done the rest. And I'm eternally grateful.


AnnaJ said...

I love the, "I don't know where you'll be, but I'll be here." I totally relate to that! My life verse is Luke 2:49. ... Jesus' parents were looking for him and found him in the temple. And he asked them, "Why were you searching for me? Didn't you know I had to be about my Father's business?" LOVE THAT!

To him said...

I am so proud of you and thankful for what God has been doing in your life these last 7 years. I know I have only been in your life since Mexico, but you have grown so much just since I first met you.

On a personal note, I am thankful that you are in MY life. No matter what the road has looked like getting here, I am thankful. I appreciate you sharing these feelings and insights with us. I feel blessed!

RCummins said...

love having this additional insight into your heart & mind for God. I'll be in this for the long haul as we allow Him to 'progress His work' in us. :)